home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* PcodeDisassembly.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Out Of Phase: Digital Music Synthesis on General Purpose Computers */
- /* Copyright (C) 1994 Thomas R. Lawrence */
- /* */
- /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
- /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
- /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
- /* (at your option) any later version. */
- /* */
- /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* GNU General Public License for more details. */
- /* */
- /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
- /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
- /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #define SHOW_ME_OPCODEREC /* we need to be able to see contents of OpcodeRec */
- #include "PcodeDisassembly.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- #include "PcodeObject.h"
- #include "Numbers.h"
- /* this defines the maximum length of one line of disassembly. it should */
- /* be more than enough. */
- #define DISBUFSIZE (1024)
- /* utility routine for incrementally constructing each disassmbly line */
- static void CopyStrOver(char Buffer[DISBUFSIZE], char* String, long* Index)
- {
- while (*String != 0)
- {
- ERROR(*Index >= DISBUFSIZE,PRERR(ForceAbort,"CopyStrOver: buffer overrun"));
- Buffer[*Index] = *String;
- String += 1;
- (*Index) += 1;
- }
- }
- /* disassemble pcode and return a string block containing all the data */
- char* DisassemblePcode(PcodeRec* Pcode, char CarriageReturn)
- {
- char* Thang;
- char Buffer[DISBUFSIZE];
- long Scan;
- long Limit;
- long BuffIndex;
- OpcodeRec* OpcodeArray;
- CheckPtrExistence(Pcode);
- Thang = AllocPtrCanFail(0,"DisassemblePcodeThang");
- if (Thang == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- OpcodeArray = GetOpcodeFromPcode(Pcode);
- Limit = PtrSize((char*)OpcodeArray) / sizeof(OpcodeRec);
- Scan = 0;
- while (Scan < Limit)
- {
- char* StringTemp;
- BuffIndex = 0;
- StringTemp = IntegerToString(Scan);
- if (StringTemp == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint:
- ReleasePtr(Thang);
- return NIL;
- }
- BuffIndex = PtrSize(StringTemp);
- ERROR(BuffIndex > DISBUFSIZE,PRERR(ForceAbort,"DisassemblePcode: buffer overrun"));
- CopyData(StringTemp,Buffer,BuffIndex);
- while (BuffIndex < 8)
- {
- Buffer[BuffIndex] = 32;
- BuffIndex += 1;
- }
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- switch (OpcodeArray[Scan].Opcode)
- {
- case epFuncCallUnresolved: /* <opcode> ^"<functionname>" ^[paramlist] <returntype> <reserved> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"call_unlinked ",&BuffIndex);
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,OpcodeArray[Scan + 1].ImmediateString,&BuffIndex);
- Scan += 5;
- break;
- case epFuncCallResolved: /* <opcode> ^"<functionname>" ^[paramlist] <returntype> ^<OpcodeRec> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"call_linked ",&BuffIndex);
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,OpcodeArray[Scan + 1].ImmediateString,&BuffIndex);
- Scan += 5;
- break;
- case epErrorTrap: /* <opcode> ^"<errorstring>" */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"error ",&BuffIndex);
- AppendStringPoint:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,OpcodeArray[Scan + 1].ImmediateString,&BuffIndex);
- ScanPlusTwoPoint:
- Scan += 2;
- break;
- case epOperationBooleanEqual: /* <opcode> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"eq.b",&BuffIndex);
- ScanPlusOnePoint:
- Scan += 1;
- break;
- case epOperationBooleanNotEqual:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"neq.b",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationBooleanAnd:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"and.b",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationBooleanOr:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"or.b",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationBooleanNot:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"not.b",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationBooleanToInteger:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"booltoint",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationBooleanToFloat:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"booltofloat",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationBooleanToDouble:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"booltodouble",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationBooleanToFixed:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"booltofixed",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerAdd:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"add.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerSubtract:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"sub.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerNegation:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"neg.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerMultiply:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"mult.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerDivide:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"div.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerModulo:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"mod.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerShiftLeft:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"asl.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerShiftRight:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"asr.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerGreaterThan:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"gr.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerLessThan:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"ls.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerGreaterThanOrEqual:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"greq.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerLessThanOrEqual:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"lseq.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerEqual:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"eq.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerNotEqual:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"neq.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerAbs:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"abs.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerToBoolean:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"inttobool",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerToFloat:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"inttofloat",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerToDouble:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"inttodouble",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerToFixed:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"inttofixed",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFloatAdd:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"add.s",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFloatSubtract:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"sub.s",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFloatNegation:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"neg.s",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFloatMultiply:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"mult.s",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFloatDivide:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"div.s",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFloatGreaterThan:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"gr.s",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFloatLessThan:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"ls.s",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFloatGreaterThanOrEqual:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"greq.s",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFloatLessThanOrEqual:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"lseq.s",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFloatEqual:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"eq.s",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFloatNotEqual:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"neq.s",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFloatAbs:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"abs.s",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFloatToBoolean:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"floattobool",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFloatToInteger:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"floattoint",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFloatToDouble:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"floattodouble",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFloatToFixed:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"floattofixed",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleAdd:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"add.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleSubtract:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"sub.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleNegation:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"neg.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleMultiply:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"mult.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleDivide:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"div.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleGreaterThan:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"gr.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleLessThan:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"ls.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleGreaterThanOrEqual:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"greq.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleLessThanOrEqual:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"lseq.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleEqual:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"eq.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleNotEqual:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"neq.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleAbs:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"abs.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleToBoolean:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"doubletobool",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleToInteger:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"doubletoint",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleToFloat:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"doubletofloat",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleToFixed:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"doubletofixed",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleSin:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"sin.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleCos:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"cos.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleTan:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"tan.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleAtan:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"atan.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleLn:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"ln.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleExp:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"exp.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleSqrt:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"sqrt.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoublePower:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"pow.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedAdd:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"add.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedSubtract:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"sub.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedNegation:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"neg.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedMultiply:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"mult.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedDivide:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"div.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedShiftLeft:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"asl.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedShiftRight:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"asr.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedGreaterThan:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"gr.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedLessThan:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"ls.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedGreaterThanOrEqual:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"greq.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedLessThanOrEqual:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"lseq.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedEqual:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"eq.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedNotEqual:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"neq.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedAbs:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"abs.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedToBoolean:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"fixedtobool",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedToInteger:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"fixedtoint",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedToFloat:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"fixedtofloat",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedToDouble:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"fixedtodouble",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epGetBooleanArraySize: /* <opcode> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"arraysize.b",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epGetIntegerArraySize:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"arraysize.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epGetFloatArraySize:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"arraysize.s",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epGetDoubleArraySize:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"arraysize.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epGetFixedArraySize:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"arraysize.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epReturnFromSubroutine: /* <opcode> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"return",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epLoadImmediateNILArray: /* <opcode> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"loadnull",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationBooleanXor:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"xor.b",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerAnd:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"and.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedAnd:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"and.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerOr:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"or.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedOr:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"or.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerXor:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"xor.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFixedXor:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"xor.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerImpreciseDivide:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"divimpr.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFloatShiftLeft:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"shl.s",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleShiftLeft:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"shl.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationFloatShiftRight:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"shr.s",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleShiftRight:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"shr.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationIntegerNot:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"not.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleAsin:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"asin.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleAcos:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"acos.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationDoubleSqr:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"sqr.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationTestIntegerNegative:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"isneg.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationTestFloatNegative:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"isneg.s",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationTestDoubleNegative:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"isneg.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationTestFixedNegative:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"isneg.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationGetSignInteger:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"sign.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationGetSignFloat:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"sign.s",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationGetSignDouble:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"sign.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationGetSignFixed:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"sign.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epStackPop: /* <opcode> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"pop",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epStackDeallocateUnder: /* <opcode> <numwords> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"popmultipleunder ",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendInteger;
- case epDuplicate: /* <opcode> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"dup",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epStackPopMultiple: /* <opcode> <numwords> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"popmultiple ",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendInteger;
- case epStackAllocate: /* <opcode> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"alloc",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epNop: /* <opcode> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"nop",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epOperationBooleanToIntegerBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"booltoint Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epOperationBooleanToFloatBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"booltofloat Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epOperationBooleanToDoubleBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"booltodouble Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epOperationBooleanToFixedBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"booltofixed Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epOperationIntegerToBooleanBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"inttobool Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epOperationIntegerToFloatBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"inttofloat Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epOperationIntegerToDoubleBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"inttodouble Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epOperationIntegerToFixedBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"inttofixed Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epOperationFloatToBooleanBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"floattobool Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epOperationFloatToIntegerBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"floattoint Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epOperationFloatToDoubleBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"floattodouble Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epOperationFloatToFixedBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"floattofixed Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epOperationDoubleToBooleanBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"doubletobool Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epOperationDoubleToIntegerBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"doubletoint Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epOperationDoubleToFloatBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"doubletofloat Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epOperationDoubleToFixedBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"doubletofixed Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epOperationFixedToBooleanBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"fixedtobool Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epOperationFixedToIntegerBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"fixedtoint Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epOperationFixedToFloatBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"fixedtofloat Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epOperationFixedToDoubleBuried: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"fixedtodouble Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epBranchUnconditional: /* <opcode> <branchoffset> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"bra ",&BuffIndex);
- AppendInteger:
- StringTemp = IntegerToString(OpcodeArray[Scan + 1].ImmediateInteger);
- if (StringTemp == NIL)
- {
- goto FailurePoint;
- }
- CopyData(StringTemp,&(Buffer[BuffIndex]),PtrSize(StringTemp));
- BuffIndex += PtrSize(StringTemp);
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- goto ScanPlusTwoPoint;
- case epBranchIfZero:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"brz ",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendInteger;
- case epBranchIfNotZero:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"brnz ",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendInteger;
- case epResizeBooleanArray2: /* <opcode> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"resize.b",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epResizeIntegerArray2:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"resize.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epResizeFloatArray2:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"resize.s",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epResizeDoubleArray2:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"resize.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epResizeFixedArray2:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"resize.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epStoreIntegerOnStack: /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"store.i Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- AppendStack:
- StringTemp = IntegerToString(OpcodeArray[Scan + 1].ImmediateInteger);
- if (StringTemp == NIL)
- {
- goto FailurePoint;
- }
- CopyData(StringTemp,&(Buffer[BuffIndex]),PtrSize(StringTemp));
- BuffIndex += PtrSize(StringTemp);
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- Buffer[BuffIndex++] = ']';
- goto ScanPlusTwoPoint;
- case epStoreFloatOnStack:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"store.s Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epStoreDoubleOnStack:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"store.d Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epStoreArrayOnStack:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"store.a Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epLoadIntegerFromStack:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"load.i Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epLoadFloatFromStack:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"load.s Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epLoadDoubleFromStack:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"load.d Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epLoadArrayFromStack:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"load.a Stack[",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStack;
- case epMakeBooleanArray: /* <opcode> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"newarray.b",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epMakeIntegerArray:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"newarray.i",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epMakeFloatArray:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"newarray.s",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epMakeDoubleArray:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"newarray.d",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epMakeFixedArray:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"newarray.f",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epStoreBooleanIntoArray2: /* <opcode> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"store.b Array[]",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epStoreIntegerIntoArray2:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"store.i Array[]",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epStoreFloatIntoArray2:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"store.s Array[]",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epStoreDoubleIntoArray2:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"store.d Array[]",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epStoreFixedIntoArray2:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"store.f Array[]",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epLoadBooleanFromArray2: /* <opcode> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"load.b Array[]",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epLoadIntegerFromArray2:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"load.i Array[]",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epLoadFloatFromArray2:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"load.s Array[]",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epLoadDoubleFromArray2:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"load.d Array[]",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epLoadFixedFromArray2:
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"load.f Array[]",&BuffIndex);
- goto ScanPlusOnePoint;
- case epLoadImmediateInteger: /* <opcode> <integer>; also used for boolean & fixed */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"load.i #",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendInteger;
- case epLoadImmediateFloat: /* <opcode> ^<float> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"load.s #",&BuffIndex);
- AppendFloat:
- StringTemp = LongDoubleToString(*(OpcodeArray[Scan + 1]
- .ImmediateFloat),8,1e-4,1e6);
- if (StringTemp == NIL)
- {
- goto FailurePoint;
- }
- CopyData(StringTemp,&(Buffer[BuffIndex]),PtrSize(StringTemp));
- BuffIndex += PtrSize(StringTemp);
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- goto ScanPlusTwoPoint;
- case epLoadImmediateDouble: /* <opcode> ^<double> */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"load.d #",&BuffIndex);
- AppendDouble:
- StringTemp = LongDoubleToString(*(OpcodeArray[Scan + 1]
- .ImmediateDouble),17,1e-4,1e6);
- if (StringTemp == NIL)
- {
- goto FailurePoint;
- }
- CopyData(StringTemp,&(Buffer[BuffIndex]),PtrSize(StringTemp));
- BuffIndex += PtrSize(StringTemp);
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- goto ScanPlusTwoPoint;
- case epGetSampleLeftArray: /* <opcode> ^"<namestring>" */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"getsampleft.f ",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStringPoint;
- case epGetSampleRightArray: /* <opcode> ^"<namestring>" */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"getsampright.f ",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStringPoint;
- case epGetSampleMonoArray: /* <opcode> ^"<namestring>" */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"getsampmono.f ",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStringPoint;
- case epGetWaveTableArray: /* <opcode> ^"<namestring>" */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"getwaveframecount.i ",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStringPoint;
- case epGetWaveTableFrames: /* <opcode> ^"<namestring>" */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"getwavetablecount.i ",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStringPoint;
- case epGetWaveTableTables: /* <opcode> ^"<namestring>" */
- CopyStrOver(Buffer,"getwavetablearray.f ",&BuffIndex);
- goto AppendStringPoint;
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"DisassemblePcode: unknown opcode"));
- break;
- }
- Buffer[BuffIndex++] = CarriageReturn;
- ERROR(BuffIndex > DISBUFSIZE,PRERR(ForceAbort,"DisassemblePcode: buffer overrun"));
- StringTemp = ResizePtr(Thang,PtrSize(Thang) + BuffIndex);
- if (StringTemp == NIL)
- {
- goto FailurePoint;
- }
- Thang = StringTemp;
- PRNGCHK(Thang,&(Thang[PtrSize(Thang) - BuffIndex]),BuffIndex);
- CopyData(Buffer,&(Thang[PtrSize(Thang) - BuffIndex]),BuffIndex);
- }
- return Thang;
- }